School Startup Information for September 2024
1) Tuesday, September 3: Admin Day for Teachers only 2) Bussing: Check out the following links to access information about bussing: Bus Routes School Transportation Portal My Bus Planner Portal 3) First Day for Students - Wednesday, September 4: Session 1: Grade 9 and 10 students (9:00 AM to 11:00 AM) Session 2: Grade 11 and 12 students (1:00 PM to 3:00 PM) Buses for the afternoon session will begin the run at 12:00 PM. (4 hour delay from the normal route start) A recess break will be provided during both sessions but please note that there will be no cafeteria services so students are asked to bring snacks. Regular cafeteria services will start on Monday, September 9th. 4) Student Materials List: Materials needed in the high school setting are similar to those for junior high. We recommend the regular complement of paper, exercise books, pencils and pens, along with a good scientific calculator. Chromebooks will be used on a daily basis and students are required to bring ...