Request for Feedback – Family Survey

Subject: Request for Feedback – Family Survey

Dear Parent/Guardian,

School Development Surveys are conducted annually to gather feedback from students, staff, and parents/guardians to inform the school development process. The survey results will be provided to your child’s school and used with other data to identify the school’s strengths and challenges. Your child’s school will then create and implement a plan to build on successes and address areas of challenge.

The survey is anonymous, which means that we cannot connect your survey responses to you. We encourage everyone to participate so that we have the most accurate representation of family perceptions at your school.

The Family Survey will be available on February 6, 2023. Please complete the survey by March 17th, 2023 by clicking on the following link: If you do not have internet access contact your school.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the school development surveys, please contact:

          Allan Johnson at 709-729-7831 or or

         Patricia Emberley at 709-729-6850 or

Thank you for your participation and for being a valued member of your school community.




Joanne Hogan

Director, Evaluation and Research Division


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